PROMASTER 5 in 1 PHOTO REFLECTOR DISC - 32" SILVER/OLD - $35 - (St. Augustine, FL)
PROMASTER 5 in 1 PHOTO REFLECTOR DISC 32" SILVER/GOLD Silver/Gold: Silver surface is used to increase specular highlights, adding more contrast to your image. Gold surface creates a strong warming effect.Choosing your reflector size: You should have a reflector that is larger than your subject if you want to have the reflection, or “fill”, cover your entire subject. This same principle apples to portrait photos. So, for example, if you are shooting full length portraits, you should use a 39? x 72? reflector or our oval an reflector.Guaranteed ?at when expanded, smooth, even re?ection. All metallic foil surfaces are double-laminated for longevity and maximum re?ection. Double-riveted light-weight spring steel frame maintains its shape after years of constant use.

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