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Elite Hockey Junior Pro Skate Guard Ice Skate Blade Guards Water Resistant Cover - $35 - (Lorton, VA)

Protect your blades off the ice with the elite Hockey® Pro Skate guards. These senior hockey skate blade covers keep water off your blades thanks to VCI water-resistant treatment. The bottoms feature a stip of rubber traction that grips the ground for secure walking. Pro Skate guards fit snug around the blade for a secure fit that also protects against nicks and chips when you toss your skates into your bag. Includes 2 covers; size senior. FEATURES: Includes one pair of elite Hockey® Pro Skate blade covers Fits junior size skates Soft inner lining treating with VCI to protect skate blades while preventing rust Water-resistant outer lining repels moisture Feature rubber traction at the base for safer walking elite Hockey Brand: Elite Hockey Country of Origin: Imported

Elite Hockey Junior Pro Skate Guard Ice Skate Blade Guards Water Resistant Cover
Elite Hockey Junior Pro Skate Guard Ice Skate Blade Guards Water Resistant Cover
Elite Hockey Junior Pro Skate Guard Ice Skate Blade Guards Water Resistant Cover
Elite Hockey Junior Pro Skate Guard Ice Skate Blade Guards Water Resistant Cover
Elite Hockey Junior Pro Skate Guard Ice Skate Blade Guards Water Resistant Cover


Posted in Lorton, VA, Sporting Goods
From - 1 month ago