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Excellent Antique Chinese Ceramic Squash 9" [Y9-W2-A9] - $844 - (Oakland, CA)

We sell mostly unique antique and vintage items. Expect some minor evidence of use, aging or imperfections. We take many photos of our items to help with the description as every detail may not be caught. Please use the photos to help judge content and condition. If you are unsure in any way please ask. The stands are typically not included unless otherwise specified.

Excellent Antique Chinese Ceramic Squash 9
Excellent Antique Chinese Ceramic Squash 9
Excellent Antique Chinese Ceramic Squash 9
Excellent Antique Chinese Ceramic Squash 9
Excellent Antique Chinese Ceramic Squash 9


Posted in Oakland, CA, Antiques
From - 1 month ago