John Deere 9400/9500/9600 Series Combine Parts Lot, 12 items - $143 - (Fairmount, ND)
John Deere 9400/9500/9600 Series Combine Parts Lot, 12 items. Shipped with USPS Parcel Select Ground. Part Number H2155004 is rusty. All parts are new. They were stored in a box on a shelf in a shop for years. The packaging that the parts came in is dirty and beat up. Please let me know if you have any questions. AT8147619400/9500/9600 CombineElectric Fuel Pump, Water Separator and Fuel Float, Fuel Separator Bowl KitAT8147729400/9500/9600 CombineElectric Fuel Pump, Water Separator and Fuel Float, Engine Overhaul KitH12920819400/9500/9600 CombineFine Cut Straw Chopper Drives (Front), Pivot (Use with H141673)H13503619400/9500/9600 CombineRasp Bar Concave and Grate, Nail (340mm)H13547519400/9500/9600 CombineShoe Grain Supply Augers & Housing, BearingH13658219400/9500/9600 CombineLower Tailings Auger, Shaft and Tightener, Tightener ChainH21500419400/9500/9600 CombineStraw Chopper Housing & Knifebank, Blade (Rusty) H9930329400/9500/9600 CombineFeeder House Slip Clutch, WasherJD1034319400/9500/9600 CombineSingle Range Drive, Rasp Bar Threshing, & Spike Tooth Threshing Cylinders, Ball BearingJD920219400/9500/9600 CombineFront Drive Shaft, Sheave & Mountings, Ball Bearing

From - 1 month ago