Adopt Aminatu a Black & White or Tuxedo Calico cat in Gastonia, NC (24855002) - N.A. - (Gastonia, NC)
I love my cat like my own child. She is so cute and kind. I have grown allergic to her to the point where a painful rash is spreading across my body in spite of my efforts, so as much as I hate to and it breaks my heart, I must give her up. I want for this gorgeous cat to live a long, happy and full life - 1 that it seems I am unable to provide in spite of that being the plan. She is an indoor cat; I am looking for an owner/family that will keep her indoors, love her unconditionally, and protect her from this harsh world the way any parent would do for their child. This would give my tormented heart ease. If you can be such a cat parent, please contact me so that we can meet! I would also include all of her cat items and remaining cat food/liter.
From - 1 month ago