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Vintage 1940's Table cloth Pastel Blue and Red Roses Square 43 X 43 inches - $30 - (Birmingham, AL)

43 inches squarePastel Blue and White backgroundBright Red RosesSoft Cotton Flour Sack materialTwo small spots on center square tried to show them in picture 6 but they are hard to seeFree Shipping is First Class USA ask any questions before purchaseWe Prefer PayPalInternational Buyers WelcomeCustoms and taxes are not includedThank you for your consideration

Vintage 1940's Table cloth Pastel Blue and Red Roses Square 43 X 43 inches
Vintage 1940's Table cloth Pastel Blue and Red Roses Square 43 X 43 inches
Vintage 1940's Table cloth Pastel Blue and Red Roses Square 43 X 43 inches
Vintage 1940's Table cloth Pastel Blue and Red Roses Square 43 X 43 inches
Vintage 1940's Table cloth Pastel Blue and Red Roses Square 43 X 43 inches


Posted in Birmingham, AL, Household Items
From - 1 month ago