3 Sided radio broadcast ON AIR studio lighted sign light 120 Volts - BUY me NOW! - $50 - (Belpre, OH)
3 sided studio ON AIR lighted signWE HAVE SLASHED THE PRICE TO$59.95! These are the LAST 3 in stock! Here's the world standard when it comes to professional ON AIRstudio warning lights. Takes any color standard screw in bulb upto 75 watts. Non-breakable plastic cover with heavy duty metalback. Comes with 2 cover mount screws. Needs to be mountedand hard-wired. BULB IS NOT INCLUDED due to possible breakage.Complete with easy to understand instructions. Measures approx.7 3/8" tall x 5 3/8" wide x 4" front to back. 3 sided for 180 degreevisibility. Lettering screen printed on three sides in 2 colors as shown.Lettering is SCREEN PRINTED for long lasting durability...not cheap vinyl stick on letters like competitors use!!!! WE HAVE SLASHED THE PRICE TO$59.95! These are the LAST 3 in stock! Any questions just drop me a message for a quick and knowledgeable answer. Shipped USPS PRIORITY with tracking number & insurance! BUY it NOWNo worrying about getting outbid! WE SHIP FAST!!

From ebay.com - 1 month ago