Otery 3D PhotoBench 260T - $9,000 - (Greenville, SC)
We have used this unit along with three more since early June of 2018. We purchased them in an effort to reshoot our entire product catalogue. These boxes revolutionized the way we approach product photography by decreasing the time investment on single products from close to an hour to mere minutes. Now that we've been able to shoot our entire catalogue we are keeping one and selling the other three. We have beautiful high quality raw images for each product in our warehouse and a process for any photo update needed. The description of the product and its specs are below, we would recommend this product for any large scale e-commerce merchant looking for the highest quality images fast and easy. This product can turn anyone into a high end commercial photographer and save any business thousands of hours. ________________Consisting of a 39.4 x 39.4 x 47.8 photography studio, a 26.5” transparent turntable, dimmable LED lamps from bottom, back and corners and system control software, the Ortery 3D PhotoBench 260 (patented) works in conjunction with a compatible Canon or Nikon dSLR camera to simplify and automate the complete product photography workflow including picture taking, batch image processing, editing and saving. Simply place an object inside then use the software to compose and take pictures.Quickly create web and print-ready product shots in RAW, JPG, TIFF or PNG format as well as 360 product views in HTML5 or GIF.39.4 x 39.4 x 47.8 Computer-Controlled Product Photography SolutionDimmable High CRI LED Lighting From Bottom, Back and Corners26.5” Transparent 360 Degree Turntable (70 lbs. Capacity)Integrated Hardware / Software SolutionCreates Web-Ready Images and 360 Product Views on Pure White and Transparent BackgroundsMemorizes Camera and Lighting Settings for Re-useSimplifies and Accelerates Product PhotographyEliminates the Need for Most Image EditingFocus Stacking, Batch Image Editing and SavingCompatible with Nikon and Canon DSLRsRemote Capture

From ebay.com - 1 month ago