Nature Bright SunTouch Plus Light and Ion Therapy NEW - $38 - (Miami, FL)
NATURENature Bright SunTouch Plus Light and Ion Therapy NEW PLEASE NOTE:THIS IS THE ACTUAL PICTURE OF ITEM SELLING. Product Condition: NEW Manufacturer Description: System includes 10,000-lux light therapy and negative ion therapyBalances your body clock, leaving you feeling rested, refreshed, and nourished all overCan alleviate the nagging symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)Clinical studies show that ion therapy provides an automatic antidepressant effect within a few days of use, Ideal for anyone wanting to brighten their spirits, low chemical lifestyles Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE About UsWelcome to LordShopping, the online megastore where you will find all the latest products at the most affordable prices on the market. With hundreds of products to choose from in Electronics, Health and Beauty, Sporting Goods, Watches, Home & Garden, Tools, Clothes & Shoes, and much much more, we have you covered 24 hours a day 365 days of the year. Why pay more for the same item on another website? LordShopping is committed to providing consumers the best online experience at rock bottom prices. In these tough economic times we go the extra mile to make sure you can save that extra dollar.Shipping OptionsLordShopping offers free shipping on hundreds of products. We beat our competitors by offering this service on all our orders. We have one of the fastest shipping processes in the industry. We usually will ship the same day or one day after payment is made. The free shipping service will arrive in 2-7 business days, depending on the shipping carrier selected. Our quality control team inspects all orders before they are loaded on the truck, we know a thing or two about getting it right the first time. We ship only to the address provided by you on the Paypal Payment. If you want the item to be shipped to a different address, you must add the new address to your Paypal account before purchasing the item. Shipping and handling for all order are via

From - 1 month ago