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6 Vintage 1980's Wrestling Magazines~Lawler~Hulk~Tojo~Rock N Roll~Fabulous Ones~ - $30 - (Memphis, TN)

Lot of 6 Vintage 1980's Wrestling MagazinesWrestling Illustrated 22x32 Color Poster of the Road Warriors1984 Wrestling Illustrated Jerry Lawler CoverWrestling New Tojo Yamamoto Jeff Jarrett Cover1984-1985 WWF Magazine Christmas Slaughter Cover1983 Inside Wrestling Jerry Lawler Nick Bockwinkel Cover1985 Wrestling Illustrated Rock N Roll Express The Fabulous Ones Cover Magazines are in fair to good condition, maybe be pages missing are writing on some but I did not see any damage.

6 Vintage 1980's Wrestling Magazines~Lawler~Hulk~Tojo~Rock N Roll~Fabulous Ones~
6 Vintage 1980's Wrestling Magazines~Lawler~Hulk~Tojo~Rock N Roll~Fabulous Ones~
6 Vintage 1980's Wrestling Magazines~Lawler~Hulk~Tojo~Rock N Roll~Fabulous Ones~
6 Vintage 1980's Wrestling Magazines~Lawler~Hulk~Tojo~Rock N Roll~Fabulous Ones~
6 Vintage 1980's Wrestling Magazines~Lawler~Hulk~Tojo~Rock N Roll~Fabulous Ones~


Posted in Memphis, TN, Collectibles
From - 1 month ago