All items are either shelf pull or return. All items are tested and inspected when they come in. Item shows no sign of use or wear and no visible issue or damage. ACU-POINTS & PAIN POINTS: Magnetic patches can be used to prolong the positive effects of acupressure and acupuncture treatments. Apply the magnet and massage regularly to stimulate acupressure points to promote body’s healing process. Some people experience positive effects of pain relief of strained or pulled muscles from the magnetic field by applying them at area of discomfort e.g. stiff shoulder, lower back pain, knee pain etc It is our goal to have an open and honest business. The way eBay works for the sellers is the rating system. The better review we have, the higher in the list our posts are. Therefore, we strive to earn positive feedback as well as a five-star detailed seller rating in all areas. Please understand we have no control over the shipping other than who we use. Once your product leaves our hands it is out of our control. This rating is vital for our business to grow. We will do everything we can to fix a problem or find a suitable solution. Most of the items are Returns or Shelf Pull for Various reasons. We do not usually accept returns. We will look at this on a case by case basis. These items although “NEW” may have improper packaging or some other minor flaw.

From - 1 month ago