Strategy Poker Game Milton Bradley 1968 New SEALED FREE SHIPPING - $30 - (Streator, IL)
Hello and Welcome! This is Strategy Poker Game Milton Bradley 1968 New Sealed. Description: From the rules of the game:"There are many variations of poker as it is played throughout the world but most require 6 or 7 players to have fun. Strategy Poker is great fun for 4 players, but 3 or 2 can play. Regular poker rules and etiquette apply and a knowledge of basic poker is required. As in most card games, 'Lady Luck' is still important but in this game, special emphasis is on skill and strategy."Strategy Poker is a poker variant. The game consists of a deck of regular playing cards, betting chips, betting pot, and a viynl mat with places designated for card placement.Players ante and then are dealt the "key card" and placed on the mat. Players will use the key card to build three independent poker hands all extending from the "key card." Essentially, players will ultimately be dealt cards and will try to create the best three five card hands from them. All hands will have the "key card" as part of it. Throughout the next four rounds player alternately bet and are dealt cards. The players must choose which card to place with each of their three hands. The player who is able to create the best five card poker hand wins the pot. To increase tension and bluffing, some cards are placed on the mat face down so opponents only get a glimpse as to what cards you have. 2–4 Players 10 Min Playing Time Age: 14+

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