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Bumbo Multi Seat, Taupe - $841 - (Greensboro, NC)

The Ultimate Three Stage Seat Bumbo introduces the Bumbo Multi Seat, the next step in seating for your child. The Bumbo Multi Seat is ideal for babies who have already mastered the Bumbo Floor Seat and will see your child through to the toddler stage with a seat that grows with your child. With attachment straps to easily convert from a floor seat to a booster seat, you can begin enjoying key developmental milestones from feeding to playtime as soon as your child can begin to sit unassisted. The seat's foam pad cushions your baby and can be removed to create more room as they grow. The removable tray attaches to the back of the Multi Seat for easy storage and transport. A portion of the proceeds from your Bumbo product purchase will be donated to children in need.

Bumbo Multi Seat, Taupe


Posted in Greensboro, NC, Baby & Kids Stuff
From - 1 month ago