Professional Reformer - $200 - (Lincoln, NE)
ONLINE AUCTION- Ends 12/20/16. To see full details for this item please go to and enter QAL #7610-144 in the Quick Asset Lookup QAL box located on the home page. Stott Pilates Professional Reformer bundle. Bought in 2002. Springs replaced in 2014. Bundle includes: 1 professional reformer, 1 reformer box, 1 arc barrel, 2 soft reformer loops, 1 mat converter and 1 padded platform extender. Seller also has additional exercise equipment for auction including Rack & Roll Performers, Stott Pilates Rotational Disk Board, Stott Pilates Soft Footbar, Stott Pilates Spine Supporter, Stott Pilates Arc Barrrels, and a Stott Pilates Jumpboard. To see all auctions go to auction page and click "view seller's other assets" under Seller Information. **PRICE REFLECTS CURRENT HIGH BID AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME DURING THE ONGOING AUCTION**

From Classified Ads - 1 month ago