Modern style adjustable Stool - N.A. - (Tulsa, OK)
Modern adjustable Stool - Price: $115 Adjustable Stool in 2 different color at afforable price STYLE: Modern MEASUREMENT : 17.00 x18.75 x33.00 Looking for nice and Affordable home furnishings. H3 furniture provides complete home furnishings for your home in different style (Modern - Contemporary - Traditional). It is wirth a drive to visit h3 furniture to experience the different and making order at store showrom location or you may want to visit the store wensite to check on our low price offer. Below are info H3 furniture 6520 E Pine St Tulsa, OK: 74115 Tel: 918 960-3440 Website: Tags: Modern furniture, contemporary furniture, desl, bookcase, office, platform bed, mirror, chair, stools, table, mattress, sectional, leather furniture , coffee table, light , lamps. chiard, home decor

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