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Fall clean up services!! (And more) - N.A. - (Fenton, MI)

I am currently accepting new lawn/leaf cleanup jobs in the Fenton linden holly and surrounding areas. I am a 25 year old father of 3 wonderful children I'm looking to create more money for this upcoming Christmas season I'm also expirementing with the possibility of creating a year long business by building good relationships with my clients and offering multiple services to be offered year round. Right now I am accepting jobs to be completed on Saturdays, some Sunday's and some Tuesday's determining on that weeks scheduale. Please contact me with any inquiries. Quickest way to reach me is by text message at 8106238924. My name is Jerry and I look forward to speaking with you! Thanks!! (We are open to also doing other services including but not limited to gutter cleans, house cleaning, carpet cleaning, and more please just ask when contacting thank you!)


Posted in Fenton, MI, Free Stuff
From Classified Ads - 1 month ago