Have a business or home you want to make Smart? - $1 - (Okemos, MI)
My name is Joel and I’m with Smart Homes, Smart Offices. We are an IT company out of Okemos, MI and we’ve been Michigan’s #1 Technology provider for the past 14 years! We specialize in Audio/Video, Automation and Control Systems, Home Theatre Systems, Lighting and Climate control, Security & Surveillance, Website & Network Design,Software Development, Digital Signage and much more! We are a member of the Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. as well as the Home Builders Association of Michigan.Not only do we provide service throughout Michigan, but we service customers all over the United States. Below you will find our contact information as well as our website.Feel free to contact us or check out our website for more information!Thank you for your time.www.smarthomessmartoffices.com517-381-5171

From Classified Ads - 1 month ago