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CA Farm to School and Garden Conference - N.A. - (Modesto, CA)

Conference Theme: Connecting the Garden, Cafeteria and Classroom, The California Farm to School and Garden Conference will be held March 27 - 29, 2017 at the Modesto Centre Plaza in Modesto, California. The conference will offer a series of workshops, panels and discussions that will be of significant educational and networking value to attendees who will represent all facets of the farm to school movement, including farmers, distributors, government representatives, procurement officers, educators, and food program administrators. Monday, March 27 Pre-Conference Day: The pre-conference day on Monday offers optional activities and field trips (for an additional fee) and opportunities to see programs in action. For more details on Pre-Conference activities and costs please refer to the website www.cafarmtoschoolconference.org. At 7:00 PM, the conference kicks off with the welcome reception.

CA Farm to School and Garden Conference


Posted in Modesto, CA, Tickets
From Eventful - 1 month ago