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AKC Purebred Dobermans (Traditional and Melanistic) - $1,250 - (Oak Harbor, WA)

6 remaining pups available, male and female. Black and Tan and Melanistic (solid black, no points)AKC registered, papers in handVaccinated and age appropriate boostersWormedMicrochipped (registration paid for life)Family raised with kids and other dogsBoth health tested parents on premesisDocked and dew claws removedAll vet work done by licensed vet in an AAHA accredited facilityPrefer obedience show or 4-H homes over someone just 'looking for a pet'. THese pups are SMART and will require training and training upkeep. THis is my females 3rd and final litter and many of our previous pups have been competing in obedience (and excelling).

AKC Purebred Dobermans (Traditional and Melanistic)
AKC Purebred Dobermans (Traditional and Melanistic)
AKC Purebred Dobermans (Traditional and Melanistic)
AKC Purebred Dobermans (Traditional and Melanistic)
AKC Purebred Dobermans (Traditional and Melanistic)


Posted in Oak Harbor, WA, Free Stuff
From Classified Ads - 1 month ago