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Bont Speed Skates Boots Accelerator Frames 165mm Mount 80mm Wheels Awesome Cond - $80 - (Washington, NC)

Bont inline speed skate boots, Accelerator frames, 80mm wheels. Got these to possibly convert to ice, but that's not going to happen as I started playing hockey again. My loss is your gain. I've put new laces in, cleaned and lubed the bearings, and done an overall wipe down. They show little to no wear, with minimal rub marks. To me, they look like rubs from being in a bag. All buckles work perfect, stamped inside the boot is a 40, European size. I wear a woman's 10, men's 8.5 and these fit SPOT ON. So the normal "go down 2 sizes" bit seems to hold true. The boots themselves are worth the auction what you wish with the frames and wheels. If you want to fitness skate and not break the bank, these are the skates for you.

Bont Speed Skates Boots Accelerator Frames 165mm Mount 80mm Wheels Awesome Cond


Posted in Washington, NC, Sporting Goods
From - 1 month ago