MULLEIN, COMMON WILD FORM (Verbascum thapsus) 1/4 TSP SEED - $2 - (Picton, ON)
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Posted 1 month ago
Usually a biennial plant, mullein is familiar to many. In its first year it forms a rosette of large, soft, slightly fuzzy leaves that may be used by herbalists and others knowledgeable in plants to soothe skin irritations, lung, gastrointestinal issues, and a few more. In its second year it puts up very tall stalks with yellow flowers that do not all flower at once, but individually throughout the season. This plant is very drought tolerant and grows well in rocky, gravelly, sandy soils as well as alkaline soils. Combined flat-rate shipping for auctions/purchases as follows: In Canada - $1.00, To the USA - $1.50, Internationally/non-USA - $2.75

From - 1 month ago