13 Year Old Gray Thoroughbred - $1,500 - (Baton Rouge, LA)
Bam Bam is sixteen hands and was bred as a racehorse. After leaving his brief career on the track, he was trained as a hunter jumper. We did not receive any paper work when we purchased him from his prior owner, so his birthdate is estimated. He has a lot of "get up and go" and can sometimes be extra spunky - so he is not for an inexperienced rider. He has good potential, but definitely needs an advanced rider or someone looking for a challenge. He hasn't been ridden much lately because I am pregnant. I am happy to provide more detail about his personality upon inquiry. Bam Bam is currently being leased through January 15th, but is available after. If you are interested, you can set up an appointment to see him now. Go ahead to contact me for more information - the price is negotiable, as a good home is the priority.

From equine - 1 month ago