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Antique 28" Simon & Halbig German Doll With Heinrich Handwerck Crier Compo Body - $800 - (Gulfport, MS)

She is sweet as can be 28" Simon Halbig 1079 DEP doll . This charming doll is not always easy to come by and is a desirable mold number. She is on her original Handwerck body with working pull string mama crier. She wears a lovely handmade grey and pink two piece dress that is vintage made and goes well with her antique brooch , handmade under garments and shoes. The pretty brown human hair wig is not original to the doll but suits her well and is appropriate. Head is damage free. No breaks chips hairlines or repairs. Lovely sleep eyes with all the original beautiful eyelid wax still perfectly intact. She also comes with a Russ mohair pink teddy bear . A very pretty and display ready doll. FREE SHIPPING IN USA

Antique 28


Posted in Gulfport, MS, Toys & Games
From - 1 month ago