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Pokemon XY-BREAKpoint Booster Box - $1,256 - (St Johns, FL)

UBatesProduct DescriptionI am a single stay at home mom of 4 young children, two with special needs. I've been selling on eBay for 13 years part-time and I went full-time last year when we lost my husband. My customers are very important to me. I pride myself on offering exceptional customer service. I encourage you to contact me if I can help you in any way at all. Please allow up to 24 hours for a response as I may be attending to my family. I greatly appreciate the opportunity to serve you! Look for powerful Break cards and all new mega ex randomly inserted into booster packs!! The hour grows desperate, and two worlds stand at the brink! The Pokémon TCG: XY—BREAKpoint expansion reveals the growing rift between the twin worlds, first discovered by Shiny Mega Gyarados-EX! Each booster box contains 36 booster packs, each pack contains 10 random cards from the Breakpoint master set! As the rift tears through the skies, more Pokémon are drawn into the struggle, including Greninja BREAK, Luxray BREAK, and Mega Scizor-EX! Can they mend the rift and save both worlds from collision chaos? The XY9 Breakpoint Master Set Contains: • Over 120 cards • 5 new Pokémon BREAK featuring a recently introduced game mechanic • 11 new Pokémon-EX, including 2 Mega Evolution Pokémon Release Date: February 03 2016 Pokemon XY-BREAKpoint Booster Box SMALL FAMILY BUSINESS

Pokemon XY-BREAKpoint Booster Box


Posted in St Johns, FL, Toys & Games
From - 1 month ago