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Dynaco Dynakit Stereo 70 Tube (5AR4 EL34 7199) Amplifier - $650 - (Rockford, MI)

Vintage Amplifier. Very good physical condition. Nickel plated chassis has a nice patina, lettering is not worn. Paint is scraped one side of the cage, bottom plate is scratched. Transformers have cloth covered lead wires. Slow-start tested after 20 years in storage, it's working well with little hum. Output tube bias is easy to set and holds steady; the 15.6 ohm cathode resistors have the same value (approximately 15.8 ohms). Includes 4 Electro Harmonix EL34, 2 Dynaco label (RCA) 7199, and a new Sovtek 5AR4. Selenium rectifier was replaced with a fast-recovery diode. The stereo/mono switch is disconnected. It has new input jacks. This should be refurbished before regular use, there's no guarantee capacitors are good. Please ask if you have any questions.

Dynaco Dynakit Stereo 70 Tube (5AR4 EL34 7199) Amplifier


Posted in Rockford, MI, Electronics
From ebay.com - 1 month ago