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2016 Arctic Silver Thermal Compound CPU Gamer Grease Paste Heatsink - $20 - (Beverly Hills, CA)

Product FeaturesArctic Silver 5 High-Density Polysynthetic Silver Thermal CompoundArctiClean Thermal Material Remover & Surface PurifierProduct Description*Arctic Silver 5 With its unique high-density filling of micronized silver and enhanced thermally conductive ceramic particles is optimized for use between modern high-power CPUs and high performance heatsinks or water-cooling solutions. *ArctiClean is a two-step cleaning process that removes existing thermal grease or pads and prepares the thermal surface for a fresh application of thermal interface material. ArctiClean 1 Thermal Material Remover quickly emulsifies and dissolves the existing thermal grease or pad from the CPU and/or heatsink so that it can easily be removed with a clean cloth or paper towel. A few drops of ArctiClean 2 Thermal Surface Purifier and some gentle wiping then removes the remaining residue and inhibits flash corrosion on copper or aluminum.

2016 Arctic Silver Thermal Compound CPU Gamer Grease Paste Heatsink


Posted in Beverly Hills, CA, Electronics
From - 1 month ago