Fine GERMAN Master VIOLA 1720 H.C. Stumpel Facon Antonius Straduarius Case Bow - $8,999 - (Arvada, CO)
This is a fine antique German master made viola 1720 year. I comes with case, bow and passport with certification stamps, photos and measurements. Inside this viola it says: AusgearbeitetvonH.C. StrumpelMinden i.W.Facon Antonius StraduariusCremona anno 1720 This viola is in excellent condition and was used by my father who is a soloist of Belorussian Symphonic Orchestra (Aleksandr Butsenka). Then it was transported by my mother to USA to sell. My father is also a string instrument master and he kept this instrument in the matriculate excellent condition. It was tested and appreciated by many musicians in Belarus, but unfortunately it is hard to sell there due to financial issues in the country. This instrument is worth alot more as per what they said. It gives an excellent sound. We will either deliver this instrument to the buyer personally up to 1000 mile drive from Denver Colorado or ship with a courier at our own cost. I have alot more photos and can provide more information to the interested party.

From - 1 month ago