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Syringe Pole/Jab Stick 30 Inch 3cc Push To Inject - $52 - (Tomahawk, WI)

This Push to Inject Syringe Pole is a great choice for any application large or small with its longer length and inexpensive price. With the longer length there is no need to transport your animal to a holding or squeeze cage you can do your injection right in your trap if needed. The syringe on this pole will fit through 1/2" x 1/2" mesh. The "Push to Inject Syringe Poles ", are a good inexpensive alternative to the other Syringe poles we manufacture. You simply fill the 3cc or 12cc syringe with your injectable, and push the needle into the animal and inject all at the same time. These poles are made out of a very strong nylon material that is a little flexible but almost impossible to break, with an easy grip handle on the non-syringe end. These syringes are used frequently right through a humane live trap to put the animal down humanely and legally or to inject a sleeping agent to easier work on an injured animal. The 3cc syringe works great through 1/2 " holes, while the 12cc works great through 1 " holes.

Syringe Pole/Jab Stick 30 Inch 3cc Push To Inject


Posted in Tomahawk, WI, Farm & Garden
From ebay.com - 1 month ago