Dept of the Interior original photo - $5,000 - (Rollins, MT)
An original vintage Buffalo Photo taken at the time of the photographer Franklin Jay Haynes and is believed to have been taken by him in the early days of Yellowstone Park. The photo hung in the office of my Grandfather, Walter Lowrie Fisher who was Secretary of the Interior in Washington DC under President William Howard Taft from 1911-1913. It was framed by Marshall Field's in Chicago, Illinois in 1903. It is believed that the original logo for the Department of the Interior was done from this photo. . I inherited the photo from my grandfather and it has been in the family since 1903. F, Jay Haynes was a professional photographer who played a major role in documenting the settlement and early history of the Northwest. He was the official photographer of the Northern Pacific Railway and of Yellowstone Park. Haynes first visited and photographed Yellowstone Park in 1881. The size of the photo is: 20" x 26". It is framed and under glass.

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