2016 BloKart Land Sailer - $2,295 - (Newport, RI)
Get into the world's fastest growing land-based sail sport with this "like new" 2016 Blokart! Developed in New Zealand, BloKarts are taking the world by storm. If your passion is family recreation, racing or adventure you will have hours of fun with a BloKart. Sail them on the beach, in a parking lot or on a race course! Every day is a new adventure! BloKarts pack down into their carry bag that fits in the trunk of your car. Once at your destination, it can be easily unpacked and ready to sail within minutes without tools! If you're unfamiliar with the fun of BloKarting, there are some great videos on YouTube. A good one is "BloKarting 90 Mile Beach". Questions: Contact William Fitzgerald at NEInspect(at)gmail.com (Owner, New England Land Sailers, Newport, Rhode Island). The item is listed for local pick-up. Depending on location, we can arrange shipping.

From ebay.com - 1 month ago