King USA 2341W Bb 4/4 Tuba 4 Valve. Detachable Upright & Bellfront Bell. Cases - $3,790 - (Avon Lake, OH)
-I did a complete overhaul on this horn. Took most of dents out, buffed up, soldered backtogether, shined up and lacquered with high quality baked on lacquer.-Slides are freshly lubricated and working nice and smooth-Valves are in very good condition. Tight. Good compression! -Serial number: 39 279118. Made in 1989-B-flat-Bell front bell is 22". Upright bell is 19"-Comes with a new hard case for the body and used original King cases for the bells-Comes with new tuba mouthpiece-1 year limited warranty (buyer pays for back and forth shipping) FEATURESSize: 4/4Bore: .687-inchBell: 20-inchBell Material: Yellow BrassBell Position: Upright and Bell frontNumber of Valves: 4Valve Position: Front ActionValve Type: PistonValve Material: Nickel PlatedFeatures: Hand-Adjustable 1st Valve SlideNO RETURN. NO REFUNDPlease, do your research before buying! SHIPPING IN THE U.S. AND WORLDWIDESome restrictions on worldwide shipping. Please, contact me about worldwideshipping before buying!!

From - 1 month ago