Black Honduran Rosewood, Burled Folding Knife Scales; 6.75 x 4.25 x .370 in. ea. - $69 - (Evansville, IN)
Black Honduran Rosewood Burled Folding Knife Scales W/Natural Edge; dimensions in listing's title line above. Listed dimensions are maximum's for pairs perimeter, allowing for scaling for buyer's particular end-item application. A faces in gallery image, followed by second image displaying opposing (unprocessed) C faces. Pair was joined and sanded to 120 grit, skim coated with AnchorSeal and buffed polished, so figure and color transitions can be seen. Bookmatched pair might also be used for an inlay application where natural edge might add visual interest to the inlay. Will not ship this out of the USA; we routinely combine items for lower shipping costs when possible. Listing by Central American Hardwoods, Indiana residents must pay 7% use and sales tax. item R2563E

From - 1 month ago