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Diabetes Research Study (compensation up to $650) - N.A. - (Knoxville, TN)

To learn more, contact New Phase by filling out a contact form on our website (www.newphaseonline.com), or give our office a call.All of our visits for the studies are outpatient care. Meaning you will never have to spend the night or stay for an extended period of time. On average, each visit lasts an hour or less.So give us a CALL to see if you qualify for a consultation visit! The consultation visit is just to learn more about the study and decide whether or not you would want to participate.Facts about Clinical Research Studies: •          A clinical trial is a carefully controlled research study that examines the safety and efficacy (if it works) of an investigational medicine•          When taking part in this clinical trial, you may help researchers find better treatments for future patients.•          You are free to stop taking part in the clinical trial at any time for any reason•          During the trial, healthcare study staff will closely monitor your health.New Research Studies Open for Enrollment Diabetes This research trial is testing the effectiveness of an already approved FDA medication in addition to your current diabetes medication to lower your glucose levels.Information for the Diabetes study:Already approved FDA medication Compensation up to $650 13 outpatient visits Qualifications:Currently be taking Metformin Type II Diabetes only Cannot be taking Insulin Cannot have Lupus or Rheumatoid Arthritis Cancer free for at least 5 year Lupus Research Trial testing the effectiveness of a new Lupus treatment medication.Information for the Lupus Study: Compensation up to $550 11 outpatient visits throughout 32 weeks Qualifications:Diagnosed with Lupus Already taking a Lupus-specific medication Cancer free for at least 5 years Rheumatoid Arthritis Research Trial testing the effectiveness of a new RA treatment medication.Information for the Rheumatoid Arthritis Study: Compensation up to $550 …

Diabetes Research Study (compensation up to $650)
Diabetes Research Study (compensation up to $650)


Posted in Knoxville, TN, Free Stuff
From Classified Ads - 1 month ago