Tennessee Walking Horse Gelding - Sweet, Smooth, Great Trail Horse - $4,200 - (Pittsville, WI)
Tex is extra sweet, 1 of the most friendly people loving horses we have ever had on our farm He has been trail riding and camping and he has show potential as well. Tex will park out and stand nicely for mounting and dismounting. He is nice on the trail and not spooky, even when leading or riding out alone. He goes through mud, water and over bridges with ease. He also has experience riding alongside traffic. Tex has a nice fast walk and smooth consistent gait with good over stride and a nice head shake typical of a true Tennessee Walking Horse. He jumps in the trailer and backs out easily. He is very well mannered, willing to please and absolutely adores being told he is a good boy Tex is healthy and sound. Email for additional photos and video clips of Tex in gait.

From Horse Clicks - 1 month ago