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PIONEER vsx -1021-k - $156 - (Wichita, KS)

Bluetooth Ready with Pioneer AirJam App,Home Network DLNA 1.5 Certified and Internet Radio with vTunerPioneer iControlAV2 AppHDMI 1.4a 3-D Ready with Audio Return Channel, Apple Airplay / iPad / iPhone CertifiedAmplifier Design Direct Energy Channels 7.1 Power Output Per Channel (20Hz-20kHz, .08%THD@8ohm) 90 Power Output Per Channel (1kHz@8ohm) 110 Power Output Per Channel (1kHz@6ohm) 130She's a beauty and shakes the windows with my 901s and 4001s in the back-SWEET

PIONEER vsx -1021-k


Posted in Wichita, KS, Electronics
From ebay.com - 1 month ago