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2013 Devoucoux Biarritz 2R 17.5" *Full Calf Leather*Excellent Condition* - $3,450 - (Chapel Hill, NC)

Gorgeous Devoucoux Biarritz with hard to find 2R contoured flaps in upgraded full calf leather.Saddle Stats:Year: 2013Seat Size: 17.5"Seat Style: Biarritz (semi-deep)Flap Style: 2R (straight flap with extended width behind the leg so that the calf block is set further back allowing the rider to have additional room below the knee - Ideal for riders that are long knee to ankle or for those that prefer additional room behind their leg)Flap Length (measured from the bottom of the stirrup bar): 13.25"Flap Width (widest point): 14"Gullet measurement: 5.25" (wide)Comes with: Devoucoux fleece-lined cover.*Trial available - Please contact me or Highline Tack to arrange a trial**Please see our other listings for more high-end saddles, tack and apparel*

2013 Devoucoux Biarritz 2R 17.5


Posted in Chapel Hill, NC, Sporting Goods
From - 1 month ago