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LOOK! MORSE 4300 FOTOMATIC-III Zig Zag Twin Needle Buttonhole Sewing Machine - $249 - (Salem, OR)

EXCEPTOINAL, LOW USE MORSE 4300 FOTOMATIC-III Zig Zag Twin Needle Buttonhole Sewing Machine. Obtained from the Smoke-free, Pet-Free home of the original Owner, who said she used it only a few times. Includes the shown accessories, manual and and carrying case. Runs smooth, turns free and sews nicely. While internal grease and lube is in surprisingly good condition and turning freely, it appears to be in original factory condition so a routine cleaning and service should be preformed. While best I can tell accessories shown look pretty complete comes only with what is shown. Will be professionally double packed and insured at no extra cost. LOCAL PICK-UP and delivery to Salem, Portland and Eugene areas possible, Please advise before paying and I'll invoice you less shipping costs.

LOOK! MORSE 4300 FOTOMATIC-III Zig Zag Twin Needle Buttonhole Sewing Machine


Posted in Salem, OR, Arts & Crafts
From - 1 month ago