Century Precision Optics 2X Extender for Super 16 Cine lenses Arri PL Mount - $850 - (Lexington, MA)
Century Precision Optics 2X Extender for Super 16 Cine lenses Arri PL Mount. My personal lens, never a rental. Used very few times on my Aaton. Beautiful Lens that I bought new from Century around 2004. Clean, well taken care of Near Mint lens. I have owned this lens since about 2002. Front element has two small blemishes in the coating that are reflected in the first photo, maybe from age or moisture as the lenses have never been touched. When you look straight into the lens they are invisible. The rear element is pristine. Works on my Sony F5 in Center Scan mode and will work with any PL mount 16mm lens. I used to use it with my 11-165 Canon. I've forgotten but it either has no Stop Loss or only a One Stop loss. Remember when that was a huge issue??? :) Comes with front and rear caps. Enjoy.

From ebay.com - 1 month ago