AGXO Hearing Aids H160 Minirite right and left hearing aids Speaker type 85 - $650 - (Austin, TX)
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Posted 1 month ago
AGXO hearing aids. These were my mother-in-law's hearing aids that her sons got for her and she would never use. I put used in the condition section because she probably did put them in her ears(she didn't like wearing them so were used only once). Comes with two hearing aids for right and left ears, manual, 3 packs of batteries, repair tool, cloth, and wax stop. Looks like speaker type 85. I don't know much about hearing aids, but will try to answer any questions you may have. Please look at pictures before purchasing. My mother-in-law's name is on the carry case. I will try to rub it out.

From - 1 month ago