RARE! Vintage NASA Space Shuttle NIKON F3 Small 35mm Camera w/ 5 Battery Packs - $19,950 - (Denver, CO)
Being offered is a Beautiful and Rare NASA Nikon F3 "Small" 35mm Camera from the Space Shuttle Program. This NASA modified Nikon F3 has the NASA P/N SED 33101585-303 with the serial number 1045. Condition of this camera is remarkable, and near MINT in most every way! Only very minor issue is a couple of small dings in the top of the finder as seen in the pictures. The camera utilizes a specially designed metal battery pack that would contain 8 AA Batteries to drive the camera system. This auction also includes (5) AA battery packs with NASA Identification SED33101573-301 and serial numbers 1143, 1144, 1145, 1146, and 1151. These are most likely flown, and battery packs have blue and yellow stickers dated which would have been just after STS 91 which launched on 2 June 1998 or just before STS 95 which launched on 29 October 1998. The NASA Nikon F3 Small Camera would have flown on the Space Shuttle with a compliment of 5 battery packs, and this is quite a rare addition to an already rare camera! NASA special ordered 50 of these space-ready Nikon F3 cameras in the 1980s. Nikon worked with NASA to provide 35mm cameras with specific attributes required not only to fly on the Space Shuttle but to withstand the riggers of outer space when used on EVAs. The NASA modifications are quite numerous and you can find detailed information on the Internet. Some include: Replacing the leatherette on the exterior of the standard F3 with a matte black painted finish. The leatherette material was removed because of issues with out-gassing from materials. The camera was designed to use a special thin film which enabled for 72 frames per roll, as evidenced by the included film counter which goes up to 72. A multi pin outlet for a remote device like an intervalometer, is located on the front lower right side of the camera. A Bendix cover with a attached tether seals the plug. The mirror lock up lever and shutter release are longer on the NASA modified F3. The lens release button is bla

From ebay.com - 1 month ago