Iron Hardness Sulfur Eradicator 9100 SXT Twin Tank Eradicator Water Softener - $1,699 - (Barberton, OH)
Well water softenersand iron filter in one system!!!Save $$$$Hundreds of Dollars!!!IRON, SULFUR AND HARDNESS ERADICATORâ„¢THIS IS A WATER SOFTENER AND IRON FILTER IN ONE UNIT SAVING YOU MONEY. REMOVES HARDNESS, IRON, SULFUR, MANGANESE, ODORS, CHEMICALS, HEAVY METALS, AND SEDIMENT.COMES WITH FLECK FLECK 9100SXT METERED ON DEMAND CONTROLLERMediaguard KDF 85 is for well water and removes heavy metals, iron, hydrogen sulfide from the water. Bacteria static. Gives you good tasting water thru out the whole house. No maintenance needed on the mediaguard system. 1. The gravel FILTERS large debris and sediment..2. The fine mesh resin removes HARDNESS and IRON.3. The KDF Media Guard 85 removes IRON and SULFUR. WILL REMOVE:Hardness up to 50 gpg Iron up to 6 ppm or mg/lHydrogen Sulfide up to 2 ppmGeneral filtering of all chemicals, odors, sediment.KDF Process Media are effective in controlling the buildup of bacteria, algae, fungi and scale note: some water may still require iron filter and or pre sediment fitler. if bacteria is present in the water a disinfection system must be added to remove it. the eradicator does have limitations at removing smell and iron but it can remove a lot more iron and smell then a regular water softener. THIS SYSTEM DOES REQUIRE ADDING WATER SOFTENER SALT. Eradicators Water Softener & Filter in One System THE ULTIMATE ERADICATORâ„¢ SYSTEM YOU WILL NEVER BE WITHOUT PURIFIED AND FILTERED WATER WITH THIS UNIQUE TWIN-TANK ERADICATORFLECK 9100SXT TWIN ALTERNATING WATER SOFTENER ERADICATOR 48,000 GRAIN CAPACITY PER TANK FINE MESH RESIN 48,000 GRAIN CAPACITY PER TANK, GRAVEL BED, KDF 85 MEDIA GUARD(TOTAL OF 96,000 GRAINS) FLECK 9100SXT CONTROLLERTWO (10X54)MINERAL TANKSBYPASS COMPLETE SYSTEM 47X15X623/4 inch or 1 inch connections - blue, black or almond tanks.(18x33) SALT TANK & SAFETY FLOATSizing Chart Installation Manuals Customer Feedback You can select options in the comment section during checkout or by email or phone prior or immediately after t

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