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NEW NINTENDO SWITCH Console (Gray) Guaranteed Pre-sale Confirmed Pre-order - $499 - (Fresno, CA)

**CONFIRMED PRE-ORDER FOR MARCH 3, 2017*** The Switch from Nintendo combines the mobility of a handheld with the power of a home gaming system to enable new video game play styles. It will be available in March 3, 2017. I will ship out the unit the next day once I receive it from Best Buy. Bid with confidence. 100% feedback. PLEASE NOTE: 1. This is for a gray console only, NOT a bundle with a game 2. This will NOT ship right after you win the auction. I will ship the unit out once I receive it from Best Buy (March 3, 2017). 4. Payment is due 24 hours within the auction closure 3. Shipping to confirmed addresses in the USA only, NO International shipping! DISCLAIMER: As per eBay’s Pre-Sale Policy, the listing will end on 2/20/2017 and will ship within thirty (30) days of that End Date. This disclaimer must be included as per eBay’s pre-sale Policy or this listing will be canceled Console will be shipped/mailed out the winner within 30 days of purchase ending date (2/20/2017)

NEW NINTENDO SWITCH Console (Gray) Guaranteed Pre-sale Confirmed Pre-order


Posted in Fresno, CA, Video Gaming
From - 1 month ago