King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table figurines - Pewter by Ricker - $1,299 - (South China, ME)
Limited edition Pewter by Ricker – King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table (only 1000 castings)•Heavy, casted pewter 4.5 inch figurines (each over 1 pound)•King Arthur plus 9 knights, comes with Certificate of Title (see details below) each appraised at $161 in 2001•Round table (10 inch diameter, 2.5 inches high) with lion claw feet included; inscribed: “In serving each other, we become free”Sculptor Michael Ricker is no longer living Certificate of Title – Hallmark number of casting/Date of castingKing Arthur, seated: 28.4 ounces No. 721 of 1000 / 1999Sir Kay, seated: 27.5 ounces No. 782 of 1000 / 1998Sir Tristan, seated: 23 ounces No. 721 of 1000 / 1999 Sir Galahad, seated: 23 ounces No. 641 of 1000 / 2000Sir Lancelot, seated: 24.4 ounces No. 803 of 1000 / 1998Sir Bor de Ganis, standing: 28.7 ounces No. 720 of 1000 / 1999Sir Perceval, seated: 22.2 ounces No. 681 of 1000 / 1998Sir Lamorac, standing: 21.6 ounces No. 635 of 1000 / 2000Sir Ewain, standing: 24.9 ounces No. 681 of 1000 / 1999Sir Lyonell, standing: 27.9 No. 683 of 1000 / 1998 Free Shipping

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