Bio Pond Cleaner - $839 - (Hazleton, PA)
1 gallon will treat 1 surface acre 4 to 6 feet deep. Apply monthly for 90 days then every other month until muck is gone. Natural muck and sludge removal in water with heavy organic debris loads. Features biostart complex. Highly concentrated probiotic formula enhances natural bacteria to aid in decomposition of sludeg and bottom muck. Treats all year long with cold or warm water strains. Provides starter food for spores upon entry to water. 100% safe for fish, waterfowl, livestock, pets and swimming immediately after treatment. Size: 4 Pack/8 oz. Our eBay Store About Us Toll Free: 888-365-7740 Bio Pond Cleaner Product Details: 1 gallon will treat 1 surface acre 4 to 6 feet deep. Apply monthly for 90 days then every other month until muck is gone. Natural muck and sludge removal in water with heavy organic debris loads. Features biostart complex. Highly concentrated probiotic formula enhances natural bacteria to aid in decomposition of sludeg and bottom muck. Treats all year long with cold or warm water strains. Provides starter food for spores upon entry to water. 100% safe for fish, waterfowl, livestock, pets and swimming immediately after treatment. Size: 4 Pack/8 oz.

From - 1 month ago