Ginseng Root Certified Wild WI Root, 100% Wild Potent 2.9oz. RARE, OLD, NICE!! - $259 - (De Soto, WI)
2.9 oz of fresh wild Wisconsin ginseng. This root has it all, size, long neck, and no defects, making it one of the rarest roots of the season so far!! A nice old potent root that Wisconsin is known worldwide for! This root was harvested from the Mississippi River bluffs in Vernon County WI. This area has the most sought after ginseng in the US due to the quality of the roots and our harsh cold winters making the root hearty and POTENT. This root will come with the paperwork from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources certifying it as a wild ginseng root, legal to be shipped to all 50 states. We pride ourselves on legal quality roots, shipped on time and fresh! According to the book of Ginseng, there is a huge specimen at the USSR permanent agriculture exhibit in Moscow valued at $25,000.

From - 1 month ago