Guided Fishing Trip on the Kenai River in Alaska! - $195 - (Cooper Landing, AK)
Up for your consideration is a single seat on a 20' Drift Boat to fish the Kenai Peninsula between July 15th and July 31st 2017. These seats typically sell for $275 per person for a full 8 hour day. We operate out of Cooper Landing, Alaska on the upper Kenai Peninsula. You must provide your own transportation to Cooper Landing to a designated meeting place. This is a full day fishing excursion on the Kenai River in Alaska. You must specify the dates you wish to fish. It is possible that a date you have in mind will already be full, so please specify dates as soon as you know you'll be in Alaska. This trip also coincides with the 2nd run of Sockeye Salmon and they may not be available due to run timing. We are only selling 10 total seats and this is an extremely rare pre-season special. If you wish to purchase multiple seats and dates, please purchase the number of seats you want to reserve. Only 4 seats per day. The boat can legally only hold 4 anglers. The trips will include all necessary fishing equipment. Food/beverages will NOT be included. You will also need to bring a valid Alaska fishing license and necessary clothing and rain gear in case of inclement weather. The target species will be sockeye salmon and rainbow trout/dolly varden. Rainbow Trout and Dolly Varden will be catch and release only. We will use very simple fly fishing techniques that anyone can learn and master in a couple of hours.
From - 1 month ago