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NIB Kaleidescape Alto 6TB - $3,000 - (Columbus, OH)

The Kaleidescape Alto is a beautiful marriage of digital and disc-based entertainment in a single package. Alto gives you access to thousands of pristine movies and TV seasons in the Kaleidescape Movie Store, in bit-for-bit Blu-ray quality. Alto also lets you enjoy your Blu-ray discs and DVDs, all with the legendary Kaleidescape experience. Kaleidescape's kOS software coupled with Alto's integrated optical drive offers new ways to enjoy Blu-ray discs and DVDs. Discs can be resumed or played back from the opening scene without sitting through warnings, advertisements, or disc menus. Kaleidescape Scenes and Songs let you relive the best parts of a movie or concert, whether from disc or download. Discs can be upgraded to digital versions, or automatically cataloged so they are displayed alongside downloaded movie titles in the onscreen display. Alto is equipped with an optional internal 6TB hard drive that can store up to 200 Blu-ray quality movies, or 900 DVD quality movies. Alto can be used standalone or in a system with other Encore components. It can play a movie from its optical drive, internal hard drive, a Kaleidescape Terra movie server, another Alto or a Strato movie player, or from a Kaleidescape Disc Server.

NIB Kaleidescape Alto 6TB


Posted in Columbus, OH, Electronics
From ebay.com - 1 month ago