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J.K. Adams Ash Wood, Wine Rack, natural hardwood, 46 trusses, 130 connectors, - $50 - (El Dorado, AR)

J.K. Adams Co. Wine rack bottle builders pack. In original packaging, has 46 trusses and 130 connectors. Hardwood, natural. Enough pieces to make a rack for at least 30 or to add to an existing rack from J.K. Adams. Designed to permit variations in final pattern. See pictures for ideas. Originally it was meant to build a 40 bottle rack. (Originally it had 48 trusses and 180 connectors). Also could be used to make a rack to store other items such as linens. Put in closers or under stairwells to increase storage.For the most complex arrangements, additional connectors may be needed .... these can be made from hard wood dowel rods from a lumber yard.

J.K. Adams Ash Wood, Wine Rack, natural hardwood, 46 trusses, 130 connectors,


Posted in El Dorado, AR, Household Items
From - 1 month ago