Vinton county dog kennel blueprint plans - $300 - (Jackson, OH)
This is only the first 2 sheets of the set of 5. This is a complete set of plans that the Vinton County Dog Kennel was built from. There is no engineers stamp on them. I am selling this plan as a study plan if you are thinking of building. Prints include one paper copy of the prints D-sized (24"x36") shipped to your address from paypal. Additional copies can be made through any local copy or print shop. Please note that the pdf’s are available too, please contact for details. Plans Include Look at title sheet to see what is all on the set. Check out additional plans listed for sale on Ebay SHIPPING: Upon payment, plans will be mailed to the addresses on Paypal. DISCLAIMER: These plans were not produced by myself. The plans were prepared by an engineer for the specificity project so he has no further liability for it.

From - 1 month ago