SPECTACULAR, AFRICAN cotton dress fabric,45" wide, 6 3/4 yards, black background - $100 - (Hamilton, GA)
100% cotton fabric, 45" width, 6 yrds 28 inches length. Absolutely beautiful butterfly printed cotton dress fabric. Black background with cream and cinnamon colored butterflies. I bought this fabic in Kigali, capital of Rwanda when I visited my daughter in 1990. I had intended to make a caftan (or bou-bou, as the African version is called) but I have too much fabric and no time! I got the impressiion at the time , that the good quality African fabrics were printed in Holland but cannot be sure where this fabric was manufactured. This fabric is new, never washed, kept in sewing closet these 26 years Being a block print there are always teeny irregularites in the pattern, nothing obviously noticeable Being cotton I do suggest it be laundered before cutting. Flat box Priority mail in U.S. International via Ebay global shipping. International buyers, please check your currency regulations before bidding. ( i.e. Greece)

From ebay.com - 1 month ago